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Implant Dentures — Louisville, KY

Root Your Smile in Confidence

Man smiling in Louisville with his implant dentures

A modern traditional denture is a fantastic device that can restore the function of your mouth after tooth loss; however, they’re not without their quirks. Chief among them is the prosthetic’s tendency to slip, wiggle, or even wear down the lining of your gums due to repetitive movement. If you’re experiencing any of these issues, an implant denture from Bell Dental in Louisville offers a sturdier solution!

Why Choose Bell Dental For Implant Dentures?

  • Dental Implant Experts Handle Your Treatment
  • High-Quality Titanium Dental Implants
  • Affordable In-House Dental Financing Available

What Are Implant Dentures?

Example of an implant denture from bell dental in Louisville

While a traditional denture relies on natural suction to hold it in place, an implant denture is “rooted” with dental implants. These are screw-like rods that are surgically placed into your jawbone, offering anchor points for any prosthetic placed on top of them. In this case, we’ll have a customized denture created for your unique oral anatomy that will be attached to the implants. This provides a more stable, natural-looking, and comfortable experience.

Depending on your needs and the information compiled at your consultation, you may have a couple of options for attachment.

Fixed/Permanent Implant Dentures

A fixed implant denture is anchored to dental implants so that it can’t be removed except by your dentist. This offers the most stable and convenient choice, as you won’t need to remove them for cleaning or even take them out while you sleep.

Removable Implant Dentures

A removable implant denture requires less jawbone density to be placed, making it a good compromise for patients who don’t have enough bone mass to support a fixed prosthetic. This type of denture is affixed to the implants via clips or ball sockets, allowing you to remove them for cleaning every day.

The Implant Denture Procedure

Dentist in Louisville showing a patient how implant dentures are placed

All three of our dentists at Bell Dental can place the implants needed to secure your new denture. Our practice has state-of-the-art technology that makes it possible for your implants to be done under one roof without being referred to an outside specialist.

The procedure is typically performed in stages, starting with a consultation. Here, your dentist will assess your oral health and jawbone density. If you need additional treatments, such as a bone graft or sinus lift, to accommodate your implants, your dentist will perform those first and give your mouth time to heal.

Next, your dentist will place your dental implants via a surgical procedure and possibly attach a temporary prosthetic. Your gums and jawbone will need more time to heal and fuse with your implants, but once this process has finished, your customized denture will be affixed on your next visit.

Am I a Candidate for Implant Dentures?

woman in Louisville smiling with her implant dentures

Most adult patients, regardless of age, may be able to have implant dentures in one form or another. However, this depends on the assessment of your jawbone and oral health during your consultation. Your smile should be free from cavities and gum disease to minimize the chance of infection, and your jawbone must be able to support the number of implants needed to stabilize the denture.

Benefits of Combining Dentures & Dental Implants

older patient talking with a friend in Louisville with his implant dentures

  • Stability provided by implants means your denture never slips again.
  • Dental implants stimulate the jawbone, keeping it strong and healthy even after tooth loss.
  • Eat foods you love once again without fear of a wobbling or dislodged denture.
  • Fixed implant dentures can be cleaned just like normal teeth, giving you an easy solution to oral hygiene.
  • With proper care and maintenance, implant dentures can last for life!

Are you excited to get started on your journey to a more stable and aesthetic smile? Call our office in Louisville today and ask for an implant denture consultation!