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Bell Dental Blog

Don’t Let Your 2019 Dental Benefits Go to Waste!

October 12, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — belldentalky @ 7:36 pm

December 31 circled on calendarThe last few months of the year are a hectic time for most families. You may be busy shopping, getting ready for family gatherings, and preparing for the new year. It would be easy to let your dental care slip your mind. But you should make every effort to visit your dentist before 2019 comes to its close. Doing so will not only benefit your oral health, but it will also let you get more out of your dental insurance policy. Let’s discuss how and why you can maximize this year’s coverage — don’t waste your benefits!


What Questions Should You Ask Your New Dentist in Louisville?

March 5, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — belldentalky @ 3:18 pm

man pondering with finger on chinThe root of the word ‘question’ is quest, which denotes a journey. Given that you are embarking on a new journey when you choose a new dentist in Louisville, there are some questions that you should be sure to ask. They will allow you to make an educated decision and leave you feeling confident and comfortable about the direction of your oral care. Continue reading to learn what you should be looking for.


Get to Know Your Family Dentist — We’re Accepting New Patients!

February 13, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — belldentalky @ 3:46 pm

young girl at dentistWhen you’re looking for a new family dentist in Louisville, you could always just pick the first one that comes up in an internet search or head to the office that’s closest to your home. But is that really a wise thing to do? If you don’t take the time to select a dental care provider that you’re sure will provide you with the quality, compassionate care you deserve, you may end up regretting your choice. We warmly request that you consider Bell Dental as your smile’s guardian. We think you’re going to love us!


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