Dental implants can potentially last the rest of your life if you take good care of them – and that means being aware of anything that could put them at risk. You probably already know about the dangers that poor oral hygiene and biting hard objects can pose for your implants, but there’s one other common threat that you may not have thought about: bruxism. The following post explores the link between bruxism and dental implants as well as what you can do to protect your new smile.
Bruxism and Dental Implants
Bruxism is the medical term for unconsciously grinding or clenching your teeth. It’s not completely clear what causes this condition, but it’s usually connected to stress or misalignment problems. Bruxism typically happens while you’re asleep, which can make it difficult for you to detect or stop on your own.
So how does bruxism affect dental implants? Involuntary clenching and grinding put a lot of excess pressure on your teeth and jaw. This is bad enough for your natural dental structures, but it’s especially problematic for dental implants, which rely on a natural process called osseointegration to join with your jawbone. Too much pressure can prevent osseointegration from happening, which will cause your implants to fail.
Are You Still a Dental Implant Candidate Even if You Have Bruxism?
Even though bruxism can put your dental implants at risk, the good news is that it doesn’t necessarily disqualify you from having them placed. As long as you take the right precautions, you should be able to keep your implant posts safe so that osseointegration can be completed successfully. Don’t hesitate to ask your dentist for advice on getting bruxism under control before dental implant surgery.
What Can You Do to Protect Yourself from Bruxism?
Bruxism is typically treated with a nightguard. This simple oral appliance prevents the upper and lower rows of teeth from coming into direct contact with each other. That way, there will be much less pressure on your dental implants, reducing the chances of the osseointegration process being disrupted.
You should also pay attention to your habits during the daytime. If you ever find yourself clenching or grinding without meaning to, take steps to help your jaw relax. Also, try to stay away from caffeinated beverages in the evening. Caffeine can contribute to feelings of anxiety or stress, which can increase your chances of experiencing bruxism at night.
In short, you shouldn’t let bruxism stand in the way of replacing your missing teeth from the roots up. Schedule a consultation with your dentist today to see if dental implants are right for you as well as what solutions they offer for nighttime teeth clenching and grinding.
About Dr. Kenneth Bell
Dr. Bell earned his dental degree from the University of Louisville School of Dentistry in 1992. Since that time, he has made a point of keeping up with the latest treatments and technologies so that he can provide his patients with state-of-the-art, comprehensive dental care. At his practice in Louisville, Bell Dental, he offers in-house dental implant placement as well as nightguards for bruxism. To schedule a consultation, visit his website or call (502) 749-2355.